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Overseas Education

Overseas Education

Universities outside India offer many options to students to pursue higher-education. There are many options in terms of courses, countries & budgets - and there is an option to meet all needs. There are many reasons why students choose to study outside India, but the most popular reasons are the exposure and the wide variety of courses available.

Traditional powerhouses like USA & UK attract lakhs of Indian students every year - and in recent years – other countries have also become extremely attractive. These include Canada, Australia, Ireland & European countries.

Study in USA

The US higher education system can be complicated for students unfamiliar with the college and university system, but since it boasts the best universities in the world, it is extremely attractive for Indian students.

There are many reasons that students like to come to the USA to study at the undergraduate and graduate level:

Most popular student destination in the world.
Over 1 mn international students' study in USA.
Highly accredited professors, advanced technology and research capabilities.
Over 4500 accredited colleges and universities across 50 states.
After completing your studies, opportunities for work are also tremendous.
The Ivy League colleges are amongst the most sought-after colleges in the whole world.
American universities and colleges offer a very flexible education system.

Study in UK

Home to the University of Oxford - the first university in the English-speaking world - The UK has become one of the top destinations to study around the world. World class institutions, rich heritage & an all-inclusive culture make the UK very attractive.

20% of the world’s top-100 universities
UK universities are very strong in Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
The student population is amongst the most diverse in the world.
Very attractive for Indian students because of many commonalities in education system
UK degrees have an excellent international reputation
Attractive post-study options for International students
Courses in the UK are generally shorter than many other countries, which means you’ll graduate sooner.
Europe is right next – door, so many more opportunities open-up.

Study in Canada

Canada consistently ranks as one of the best countries in the world—and is currently the #1 Country for quality of life. Canada, known for its diversity, inclusive values and high standard of living, is internationally recognized as one of the best countries to live and study in.

It’s top 3 industries are Service, Manufacturing and Natural Resources.
Wide variety of quality education: diplomas and degrees.
Highly favoured study destination for Indian Students.
Lower fees as compared to US & UK and very attractive career prospects.
Highest quality of life ranking in the world
Gain work experience in Canada after you graduate
Large Indian population & melting pot of the world.
Access to US markets.

Study in Australia

Studying in Australia provider is a fantastic way to further your education and career prospects. The Australian education sector comprises world-leading education institutions, premium training facilities, and outstanding lecturers and student support services. It consistently ranks among the most popular international student destinations in the world.

Wide range of programmes , at world-class universities.
Strong in Management , Hospitality courses.
40 universities, 8 of which feature in the world’s top 100 universities.
Seven of the best student cities in the world are in Australia.
The Australian Government has invested more than A$300 million in scholarships for international students.
Feel welcome in a multicultural society

Study in France

Studying in France is a fantastic way to further your education and career prospects. Known for it's stunning architecture, beautiful cities ,and as a tourist destination, France has a lot to offer to international students. The affordable education is just the icing on the cake.  

The home of Fashion, it also has top institutions for Management and Finance.
15 % Triple Accredited B-Schools in the world are in France.
In addition, France also has very well-known institutes for Fashion and Designing.
Interesting Fact – Indian students can get upto 7 years post-study visa in France.
English taught programmes at the UG level are very few.
France has more than 3,500 institutions of higher education
The French government offsets some of the costs of attending university in the country, making it a wise financial choice to attend a college in France.
Affordable cost of living for international students

Study in Germany

With many top-ranked universities and buzzing cities packed with history, vibrant nightlife, and art galleries, no wonder thousands of young international students are deciding to pursue their studies in Germany. In recent years, Germany has become one of the most popular places to study for international students. There are hundreds of universities in Germany that have free or very low-fee tuition programs available for international students - the only catch is that you need to know German to study ay many of them !

Hub of engineering studies – the TU9 universities are acclaimed the world-over.
Added advantage of very-low ( or free) tuition fees.
A large number of courses are taught in English at the PG level.
Generous post-study visa regime.
Practical – oriented studies
Large number of Career opportunities

Study in Ireland

The only English speaking country in the Euro – Zone, Ireland is a land of pioneers. A nation of entrepreneurs, looking to find new solutions for problems that were once seen as intractable, comes naturally. A country that constantly re-invents itself, is globally connected, is socially and economically progressive, deeply welcoming and steeped in rich heritage and culture. But equally important, the national culture of being pioneering, creative and agile gets engrained in all international students too - teaching them the crucial life skills of resilience, self-reliance and self-confidence.

Ireland is a powerhouse of IT.
Affordable education of world - class quality.
Ireland is the European hub to over 1,000 leading multinational companies! Companies who require a skilled, educated and highly capable workforce to drive their success chose to locate in Ireland.
Long Tradition in Education Excellence

Popular Programmes in Foreign Universities


Aviation Business
Fashion & Luxury Retail Management
Business Administration
International Trade
Accounting / Finance
Analytics / ERP.
Business Economics
Supply Chain Management
Digital Media / Marketing
Strategic Management

Science / Engineering

Cybernetics / Robotics
Production & Economics in Engineering
Technology in Transportation &Telecommunications
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Industrial Engineering & Management
Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Molecular Biology & Human Genetics
Sustainable Energy Technology
Data Science / Analytics
Mechatronics / Mechanical


Hospitality & Tourism
Global Hospitality & Tourism
International Hospitality
Culinary Management
Event Management
Health and Wellbeing
Food Science
Experience Management


Creative Technology
Music Education
Film & Television
Sculpture / Printmaking
Fashion Communication
Visual Design
Luxury Design
Marine Environment & Sustainable Development
User Experience / Design
Sports Coaching & Management
Business Psychology
Global Laws & Technology
Intellectual Property Rights
Public Governance

Universities our students have made it to

Guiding students from India & Overseas

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