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Premier Universities applications

Applying to the best Universities in the world, is an extremely competitive process. Getting in is getting more difficult, as more students are applying to the world’s best universities, than ever before. Just at the 8 Ivy League universities in the US, the number of applicants has almost doubled in the last 8-10 years. With such tough competition, even the most talented students, fail to make the cut – at times.

We understand what is takes, and our team will help you every step of the way. Our Premier Application service is ideal for you, if you’re considering the best universities – in USA, UK, Canada, Singapore or elsewhere - whether you wish to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level. 

You need to be different. You need to be passionate, interesting, and exciting, and an obvious contributor. We will maximise your chances of making a successful application to one of the top universities.

Our Services

Profile Building

Academics is just the beginning ! 

Colleges, especially the best ones in the world, look at academics and your ability to make an impact outside the classroom. Of course, grades are important, but they’re only a benchmark. They aren’t a ticket to college - you could get a perfect SAT score and excellent grades, and it won’t be a guarantee that you will be accepted to a top university.

Some students fall into the trap of doing too much, without realising that they may harm their chances. Our advice & on-going mentoring ensures that all extra-curricular activities are in-sync and present a coherent picture.

The aim is to appropriately highlight your strengths and what you’ll bring to the table in terms of expertise, skills & achievements. Admission boards are looking for a passion or a skill that helps you stand-out from your peers. 

We will work with you to build and exemplify your extracurricular profile a thumb-stopper and make your application stand out. 

College Selection

What subject you want to study and what sort of person you are make a significant difference to which colleges you should apply to. 

The most common mistake that students make is to apply to universities based only on the ranking (or some other highlight). It’s critical to have a proper spread of Aspirational, Target and Safety colleges. 

Some universities show a preference towards a particular type of student. And it does make sense –just like the best companies in the world, each college has it’s own set of values and culture, and would prefer students who share these values. 

By getting to know you - and already knowing the colleges - we can make the perfect match for your future.

University Application

It starts with your choice of Universities, and then goes on to ensuring that all aspects of the application fit-in. Each university looks for some unique traits in prospective students, and we will help in understanding and highlighting these. We will review your essays and assist in selecting your best work to ensure admissions officers are impressed. 

It’s as easy as PIE – Passion , Initiative & Empathy.

Personal Statement

Your personal statement is crucial in determining how your application is viewed. The most common mistake that students make, is of viewing the SOP as ‘another essay.’ The SOP is much more and offers an admissions committee insight into your aspirations & motivations. It’s an opportunity for you to tell them and show them what makes you an ideal choice for their college. 

Through your SOP, you should be able to show your interest in your chosen subject, your academic potential and your commitment to the subject 

Some universities may also have course-specific selection criteria, which can be demonstrated through your SOP.

Interview Preparation

The interviews are a wonderful opportunity to highlight your abilities. They also offer an opportunity to ask questions about the programme / university. Our mock interviews will familiarise you with the setting and questions which can be expected – sometimes the smallest things matter!  After the mock interview is completed, we will give you detailed feedback on your performance, and guide you on the next steps.

Scholarship Assistance

Planning the funding for your higher- education ranks right up there in terms of importance. Universities offer a range of scholarships opportunities, as to some external organisations. In addition to helping you create a well-balanced application. We ensure that you have access to the relevant information about costs and scholarships. So far, our students have been granted scholarships of over $ 5 mn , at the best universities in the world.

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